
1080p high resolution great quality Carving a Life codec mov file 51





USA; Carving a Life is a movie starring Tyler Bruhn, Karenssa LeGear, and Aaron Landon Bornstein. Mitch must confront the haunting memories of his mother's tragic death and overcome his alcohol abuse, or lose all that is most precious to; Drama, Romance; Average rating 6,8 of 10; Lisa Bruhn;


This true to life drama handles the subject of alcoholism bravely and with sensitivity. Bolstered by great cinematography and sharp editing, this extremely well written and expertly directed film makes the trajectory of these characters and their relationship believable throughout. The leads share a really nice chemistry with each other, and their genuine performances help make every moment resonate. Every facet of this production is handled with great skill. The whole team should be proud of the beautiful and authentic film that they created. This was a well written love story that I thought would have a certain ending but they fooled me. I love how u showed the real strength of a woman and she didn't back down. Acting was very good in it. A must see.

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